Pleasant Prairie Oly #2
After Lake in the Hills, I was questioning whether to add in this Olympic before Muncie or not. This race fell in between my bigger training sessions and I didn't want to over do it to spoil Muncie.

This is the selfie I texted Matt after that loooong ride, right before my run. Cheese'n because I was almost off the bike and feeling accomplished with the workout.
I had waited until after this long workout to register. I wanted to see how I would recover and if I had the energy. After this workout, I felt pretty good with my training and energy level. I knew I wanted to get a longer race under my belt to give myself some confidence going in to the 70.3.
I was questioning how I was feeling the night before because I wasn't sure if I was starting to get sick or allergies were getting the best of me. Matt and I were talking about whether or not I should. I told him I wanted to do the distance I just didn't want to push too hard to compromise myself for the HIM training. So we agreed I'd do it no matter what and go with how I felt during the day. I'm super glad I did because I ended up feeling pretty good throughout the race.
The morning was early but it was nice just thinking about me because Matt and Cade were staying home. I jammed out to my playlist and enjoyed the drive up. I felt like I was in a good place. I kept thinking to myself that I was supposed to start in the elite group (even though with my swim times I felt like I didn't deserve to, I kept trying to say I should).
The Swim
I realized the elite wave started with the athena, clydesdale, and relays so I was semi relieved that I could blend in with my not so good swim.
I felt fine through the swim but I knew everyone broke away fast and I'd have a lot to make up yet again.
During transition 1 I literally rolled my eyes at myself at how slow I felt getting out of there. After comparing other transitions I wasn't horrible, but I need to get smoother with taking off my wetsuit.
I thought my bike went well and I was happy/surprised to see I was .97 IF (intensity factor based on my watts). When I started, I passed a girl right away and then it took a bit until I started seeing people coming back from the out and back. I realized I was in 3rd and the 1st 2 had quite a bit of time on me (looking at their times the girl in 1st had 3 minutes on me from the swim and the girl who got in second had 6 minutes on me from the swim). As I kept biking and seeing more age groupers after my turnaround I kept thinking, keep moving so they don't catch you.
Coming in from the bike was annoying because we met up with the sprint and it came to 1 lane and I couldn't pass without being a jerk. I was sightly disappointed I couldn't be faster than 21.5 because I knew it was a fast course and the top women usually bike closer to 22.
Once I got started on the run I knew I needed to move in order to catch 2 and hopefully keep anyone from coming between me and a podium. It was hard to gauge the women behind me but I did have faster runs than the 4 women who beat me, but my bike was about 1 minute off from them and my swim was slower by 2-6 minutes from each of them.
I was so happy when I was able to catch number 2 and pass her so smoothly. I think that was the first time I've done that.
When I crossed 2nd I was so excited, I thought I at least secured 3rd, but was super disappointed when I realized I got my hopes up.
I want to be happy with my times/ speed/ effort but I'm starting to focus more on the places. It also hurts that my age group is so strong and I can't even win my age group anymore, ha.
I know right now I need to stay focused, keep working hard and keep focusing on strengthen my mental game. I've been listening to podcasts that have been geared towards the mental aspect.
Im glad I did this distance because it gave me some confidence to be able to push a bit during HIM.
I finished 5th overall and 2nd age group which is not a bad day by any means. Just moving forward.

I sure do love my new bike :)